Artwork Requirements
Please contact us prior to starting you design project, with many different printing process & methods each process requires artwork to be supplied in a particular format, we will be pleased advise you, this potentially could save you a lot of time...below is a common example.
Supplying Press Ready Files
Press Quality High Res PDF set at document size to include 3mm Bleed & Printers Crop Marks, All text at least 5mm away from the edge of the document. Please supply 1 single PDF containing the individual pages, do not send as printer spreads. Images Converted to CMYK and min resolution of 300dpi, Vector Graphics & Fonts Converted to Outlines.
N.B Files which are supplied as RGB will require conversion to CMYK in order to print them. Conversion always changes the colours, sometimes slightly, sometimes significantly.
Please supply Vector EPS format converted to outlines, Our studio can then convert to other formats i.e. Jpeg, Tiff, Bitmap Etc.....
3mm Bleed & Crop Marks
Low Res Vs High Res
Black Vs Rich Black
Raster Vs Vector
PDF Settings - When Exporting From InDesign
Example PDF With Crop Marks & 3mm Bleed
Foiling, Embossing, Debossing & Spot UV - Requires Separate Pages in 100% Black Ink Only to indicate the Area